Somehow, I started to feel very familiar and “home” when it comes to Agueda in Portugal. I remember faces, places and the spirit of this town.  This time I went alone. When I finally got to my room number 119, there was already my roommate waiting for me – Gianluca from Italy. We quickly became friends and partners during the Partnership Building Activity which was devoted to KA2 projects and new ideas. As Daniela from “PSIENTÍFICA” said (one of the trainers): the beginning of the new year is a great opportunity to create new partnerships for the future.

One of the best parts of every project in Agueda is the possibility to make friends with their ESC Volunteers who are always very helpful and involved in the whole process. From the first day and “getting to know each other” activities we slowly moved into the topic of the project. As I mentioned above, we had to present our organisations and after that to create smaller groups in which we were designing and specifying the idea for KA2 project. All the presented ideas were interesting, catchy and full of potential!

The final presentation was introduced to the local stakeholders as “the elevator pitch” where we had to present our idea in 5 min based on the legendary story in which a man sold his idea to a potential investor during a short way of an elevator going from the first floor to a higher one. This was very fruitful for all the teams, not only the final presentation but the whole process of understanding the structure of KA2 projects, what to pay attention to and so on. I believe that we will meet again during making our ideas real and that the thesis put forward by Daniela at the beginning of the project was to the point. Thanks to “You in Europe” for giving me another opportunity to develop my skill on international level!
