Diffabilities! Ένα ξεχωριστό σεμινάριο, για όσους εργάζονται με άτομα με αναπηρία, και ποιοι θα ήταν καταλληλότεροι για να συμμετάσχουν, από τα μέλη του ΣΦΑ Δράση για το Κάτι Άλλο! Η Βαλεντίνη, ο Βαγγέλης και η Φανή μας αφηγούνται λοιπόν τα όσα συνέβησαν στην όμορφη Σαραγόσα:
It all starts somewhere. You pack your suitcase, you forget that no liquid are allowed in your cabin luggage, you pass twice body control, you wait some days in the airport because of flight cancelations, and you get on a plane… to fly to an experience you never knew that would be the time of your life. From 23th to 29th of July in 2018, we participated in the project Diffabilities in Zaragoza and little we knew that we would grow in so many ways.
Just to give you an idea, every morning, we had workshops of body movement, awareness and communication, through the art of dance and theatre. We found the trainers very experienced, creative and inclusive. Creating safe space for everyone to challenge out of our comfort zone. Leading us to promising after each Lunch break “from Monday, we cut down carbs and start exercising” (just joking). We made dear friends from Poland, Portugal, Hungary, Italy, Romania and of course Spain! We spent our afternoons experiencing the life of Saragossians, trying to find our favorite shampoo (Johnsoooon’s) in Spanish markets, and teaching people how to say “re treleeee”. From the beautiful Saragossa we will remember the accessibility, the slow pace rhythm of life and the warmth of the people.
In other words:
Confidence, independence, and getting in synk with who we really are, are the 3 aspects we have noticed ourselves grow in! Thank you all (participants, host and organizing team) for sharing yourselves with us and creating this beautiful experience.
Valentini, Vagelis, Theofani
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