Το You in Europe, σε συνεργασία με τον Πορτογαλικό Οργανισμό Aventura Marao Clube, αναζητούν 1 εθελοντή/εθελόντρια, 18-25 ετών, για το πρόγραμμα EVS COMPROMISSO COM AMARANTE, που θα λάβει χώρα από 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2017 έως 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2018 στο γραφικό Amarante της Πορτογαλίας.
Ακολουθούν όλες οι απαραίτητες πληροφορίες στα Αγγλικά:
«SVE: COMPROMISSO COM AMARANTE» is a Group EVS project with 1 Coordinating Organisation (AMC from Portugal) and 7 volunteers (1 per country) from EU Program Countries (Slovenia, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Italy, FYROM and Spain) during 12 months, from 2nd February 2017 until 1st February 2018. The EVS project´s main themes are social inclusion (children and Intergenerational activities) but also youth (mobility and participation, opportunities, healthy lifestyles, culture and free time activities) with the aim of supporting AMC and its local partner institutions.
The venue and all EVS Activity will take place in Amarante where volunteers will be involved in different tasks that will be developed in the 5 different Host Organisations (Youth Centre managed by AMC and in 4 other local institutions: Cooperativa Cercimarante, Associação A Terra dos Homens, União Freguesias Amarante and Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Amarante). The main activities will be the support to technicians and teachers on education, training and free time activities for children, elderly and disable people as well as support local organic farmers, local fair trade and our local Youth Center (Casa da Juventude de Amarante).
In this last option they will be involved in the elaboration and implementation of activity program for young people (as for ex.: cultural agenda of the youth centre), strongly involved in mobility and participation projects under Erasmus+ YA Program. The working methods will be based on Non Formal Education (NFE), active participation and learning by doing.
The EVS volunteers will learn by their own experiences in direct contact with other youngsters and target-groups from each Hosting Organisation. The volunteers will use several methods of NFE during their tasks: brainstorming, round tables, work in small groups and plenary presentation, production of multimedia material (photo and video), exhibitions, energisers, role-plays, simulations, activities from COMPASS (Manual for Human Rights Education with young people), sports and outdoor activities, guided visits, etc.. This will be a very important moment of learning, personal growth and an opportunity to open their horizons and enrich their knowledge. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to develop their autonomy, communication skills and social interaction. This EVS project intends to create a great impact both to volunteers and host organizations, and by that, to the entire community. The regular presence of foreign volunteers in those institutions, valorize the role of young people in society, reinforce the values of solidarity, also at intergenerational dimension, and place youth organizations such as AMC as local coordinators and «ambassadors» of Europe and its opportunities.
Food and Accomodation
AMC has a long experience with EVS (we’ve hosted more than 80 volunteers in the last years) and our policy for food and accommodation is the following:
– Accommodation will be in an apartment or house (both in Amarante’s city center and nearby our youth centre) where usually we host our EVS volunteers. These places are well equipped with rooms, bathrooms and kitchen (laundry is for free in the youth centre). In some cases volunteers might have to share rooms – double rooms. Volunteers are allowed to have guests for free (accommodation) in a good sense basis and after agreement from Coordinating Organization;
– Food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be given from Monday to Saturday (6 days per week) by our organization at the youth centre (Casa da Juventude de Amarante: www.facebook.com/cjamarante) where usually we serve meals to our EVS volunteers (we run a restaurant there). Food is vegetarian (including also eggs, milk, seitan, tofu, mushrooms, etc.). Besides that we will give 35€/month to each volunteer to organize own meals on Sundays (we pay according to invoices given by the volunteers). If around, volunteer’s guests should pay their own meals from Monday to Saturday.
Εάν λοιπόν είσαι 18-25 ετών και σε ενδιαφέρει να περάσεις 12 αξέχαστους μήνες στην Πορτογαλία αποκτώντας σημαντικές δεξιότητες που θα σε βοηθήσουν στην επαγγελματική σου εξέλιξη, στείλε μας το βιογραφικό σου καθώς και ένα motivation letter όπου θα εξηγείς τους λόγους για τους οποίους θέλεις να συμμετέχεις στο πρόγραμμα, μέχρι τη Δευτέρα, 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2016 στο youineurope.evs@gmail.com.
ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ!: Και το βιογραφικό και to motivation letter πρέπει να είναι στα ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ, επισυναπτόμενα σε μορφή .doc ή .pdf. Στον τίτλο του email να γράφεις “EVS COMPROMISSO ΑΜΑRANTE”.
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